Aug 19, 2009


It was love at first sight. Our eyes met, we smiled, we spent the whole evening finding out that we had more in common than we ever thought possible. An instant connection.

We laugh at the same jokes, like to ride in fast cars, sing really loud along with Mick Jagger, team up to do artwork, yearn for a trampoline in the backyard and want to take home every kitten that we see in the pet store.

She looks up to me, mimics my expressions and tone of voice. We have the same shade of blond locks and bright blue eyes. No one would doubt for a second that she wasn't biologically mine. She's not, but I sometimes forget because I never knew before that it was possible to love a child so much. To be so connected in every way to someone who doesn't share my genes. She is my husband's five-year old daughter - my chica.

Last week I picked her up at daycare and she pointed to a sign hanging off of her cubby with a piece of tape. A picture of flowers and hearts drawn in crayon with "I Love You Glamour Girl!" written across the top. My heart melted. I went to take it down to take home with me. "No! You have to leave it there forever so you can see it whenever you pick me up so you know that I love you!"

Tears welled up in my eyes. I looked down at my Chica and her expression suddenly changed, "Mom says I have to make one for her too" as she shrugged her shoulders.

It's not always easy being a step-mother, but I have to keep reminding myself that it's not biology that makes someone a mother - it's the quality of the relationship and the connection of the people involved. Soulmates often come in a different form than you expected and I was lucky to find one of mine last year in this beautiful little girl.




Hello, just wanted to leave you a comment to say hoe much I've enjoyed reading your posts today. You have great pictures and I wanted to say thank you for sharing...

Best wishes

Tikimama said...

Oh, this is just beautiful! And such timing - my two little girls are out of town with Daddy visiting family this week. I miss them so much!

I just love your thoughts on parenthood, and this little girl is so lucky to have a stepmom like you. Of course, if I was her Mom, I'd be insanely jealous! :)

Ebony said...

awww. this is such a heartwarming post, glamour girl. many times we forget that soul mates come in all ages, shapes and sizes. thank you for this amazing post. :)

Anonymous said...

It's so lovely you two bond

The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum said...

Hi. Cute blog. That's sweet.

Glamour Girl said...

That is BEAUTIFUL...thank you so much for sharing !

Unknown said...

This gave me shivers. It sounds like you two have quite the connection :)

Llama said...

What a sweet SWEET story. I wish you all the best...looking forward to reading more :)

Preppy Coastee said...

OMG So sweeet! I seriously almost started crying! She sounds so fun!!

Debbie said...

This is just too precious. She sounds like a sweetheart.

Debbie said...

This is just too precious. She sounds like a sweetheart.

Anonymous said...

it's no Oscar, but hey, it's an award! :-) so come and get it!

Jenny said...

So true. My nephew really does not like his dad, but LOVES his stepfather!! You are very lucky to have such a great relationship!!!

Petunia said...

Wow--this post is so sweet! She is a lucky little girl to have a loving stepmom like you! I know how hard it can be at times to be in that position b/c I am stepmom to two wonderful stepsons. :)