Jun 24, 2009

Dream On...

Last night it finally happened! I was chosen to play the lead role in a musical!!! I've been waiting all my life for this. Fuck those morons who didn't choose me for the lead in my senior class musical. They obviously didn't recognize talent when it hit them smack in the face.

Well, ok, so I wasn't the one originally chosen, but I was contacted to step in at the last minute for a musical opening this Friday because the star of the show fell ill and can not go on. Ha! I knew my moment would happen, who cares if it's at the disadvantage of others.

So I immediately had to leave for rehearsal last night. Talk about pressure! The show is opening in just a few days and I realized during rehearsal that maybe I didn't know the part as well as I thought I did. I stumbled over lines, panicked during the musical numbers and man, I had no idea how physically exhausting this show was. I was climbing all over the set in high heels and what??? there was actually some gymnastic type tricks involved.

By the end of rehearsal my feet were blistered, my body aching and I just knew the director was onto me. I was a phoney! I could never carry a show like this. But then we rehearsed the curtain call and I realized the moment I had been waiting for all my life was finally becoming reality. I would be the last one to emerge from behind the curtains to take my bow. The whole audience would be cheering just for me! I was going to be the star!

Ok, so maybe the rest of the cast and crew did believe in me, but I went home feeling like I still didn't believe in myself. I was in a complete anxiety attack at this point and that's when I saw her...the woman who could help me with all my problems...Oprah herself! In the flesh! She could see I was troubled and asked what was wrong. I explained and she began to give me a fabulous pep talk, also mentioning what a moron my high school theatre director was not to give me the lead so many years ago. This is why I lacked the self confidence now. Aha! I had the lightbulb moment! It all started to make sense when...

Sweaty, exhausted and completely confused, I bolted upright just in time to see the dog and cat scatter across the room. Oh right...haha...of course I knew it was a dream all along...


Anonymous said...

Break a leg!!! You'll be awesome! :-)


WOW - I hope it went well. Just came by your blog - love the header, you look so cute. If you get a chance, come by my blog and maybe follow too. I am excited to read more of your posts.


bpayne said...

LOL that is so awesome....

Loving your new blog :)